Saturday, April 28, 2007


Here is something that was sooo incredibly special to my dad. I just had to blog about it! We have very recently been blessed to meet a special family... the Howard's! Hayden Howard is one of Annaliese's very most favorite Kindergarten friends. His family lives just North of our home on 50 acres. The have the coolest set-up on their property. Hayden's grandparents live in the shop/garage behind the main home. It is amazing! They have hotrods galore in the beautiful out-building. Every year the Robert's, Hayden's grandparents host an event for families. Hotrodders come out to see the cars and bring their own autos for the evening of food, fun, fellowship. This year we were so excited to get to go! Hayden's parents, Bill & Carri graciously invited us and mom & dad, but we were skeptical if mom would be able to handle it.

Sean, myself and the kids headed out for the potluck and a good time. No more than we had pulled up when we both realized that my dad just had to come out. Sean jumped back in the truck and went to get both mom & dad. My dad was beaming ear to ear when he got out to see all the cars!!! Many of the chevys he had owned at one time in the past. Mom just came on in the barn/garage/barbecue and sat with me. Everyone was so sweet to us and welcoming. It was an atmosphere like a giant church social. Kids played everywhere, and dad got to step back into some of his older and fonder memories! It's a day I will cherish and never forget. I wanted to include Hayden's Grandpa's website It is a fun site and will let you see all the cool cars!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Breakfast at Jim's

For the past 15 years or so my parents have frequented a little old-fashioned diner called Jim's in NW OKC. This morning Dad wanted us all to go to breakfast there. It is a VERY lo-key place and somewhere Mom is familiar.

We met in separate cars at the restaurant and I pulled up next to her car door. I watched as she couldn't figure out how to get her car door open. She just sat staring at the handle. My daughter, Annaliese got out of her booster seat and jumped out of my car to go assist Grammy. She got her out of the car with a little help from Pa-Pa and then escorted her grandmother ever so carefully across the parking lot to the restaurant door.

Once we were seated I began my taking orders job. I get an order from dad since he has trouble hearing, I decide on an order for mom, and the kids, and then begin to figure out what I want. Today, mom couldn't remember what she might think would sound good. I kept throwing out ideas, and she would just repeat me and stare off in space. I chose for her a Belgium Waffle and some bacon. She didn't care. When it arrived, I cut it up in little bites and poured on her syrup. She ate over half of the waffle. I guess we made a good choice.

We enjoyed a breakfast together, but I couldn't help but think how difficult it must be for her not to know what is going on at all. I know when I pulled up in my car I was wearing glasses; this is something I rarely do. Sometimes I wear them to look "cool" or to help with driving. I noticed as she looked up at me, she couldn't recognize me. I immediately pulled off my glasses and said, "Do you know me now?" She smiled a familiar smile and said, "I think so, but I didn't at first." You just forget that little things can throw someone with memory loss off their "normal".

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Day in the Life of Carol

I think it is important to recap these 3 hours in order to prove to myself how much I am really doing. I somehow feel I must achieve points in order to have been a success for the day. It is now almost 10AM and my score is running really high all ready!!!

6:00AM - Tossing in bed looking at clock knowing I have to have mom at her doctor's appointment by 8AM... wondering if I need to call dad to remind him to get up.
6:15AM - Joined in bed by my son, Justus who says I'm more beautiful than a pumpkin pie!... and sweeter to... These were the first words to start my day.
6:20AM - Joined by Annaliese who wants to cuddle on the other side of me.
6:25AM - Get up from sleeping children to get dressed for the day.
6:27 AM - Half dressed but Justus wants some toast.
6:30 AM - Annaliese complains she doesn't feel well.
6:31AM - I take Annaliese temperature, but no fever.
6:35AM - Call dad to make sure he will be here by 7:30 to stay with Justus and to get Annaliese on the bus
6:40 AM - Breakfast for everyone & give Annaliese a Benadryl.
6:45AM - Finish dressing and pick out Annaliese's clothes for the day. (Sean leaves)
7:00AM - Pack up Annaliese's back-pack and do her hair. Tie her shoes EXTRA TIGHT. She can't get them tight enough.
7:05AM - Get Justus a blanket for the couch to lie on.
7:30AM - Mom & Dad arrive on time!
7:35AM - Throw on make-up and give dad instructions to watch the clock on the stove. At 8:15 he is to take Annaliese to the garage to wait on the bus!
7:40AM - Confirm with Annaliese that Pa-Pa will walk her outside and she is to wait for the bus which will arrive about 8:20.
7:45AM - Get mom to the car and help her in; she almost stumbles over as she gets in the car and won't stop telling dad goodbye.
8AM - Arrive at doctor's appointment realizing I left my phone at home on the coffee table.
8:30AM - Doctor walks in for visit, Mom has lost 8 lbs and is now 147pounds. Her blood pressure is great at 124/80!!! He is pleased. Due to frequent trips to the bathroom he orders a urine specimen.
8:40AM - I am holding a cup for mom so she can pee in it!!!! She doesn't want to pee on me!!!
8:45AM - Loading mom in the car for ride home!
8:46AM - Singing blissfully made up songs about "MY GREAT MOMMY! Mo-mmy my mommie! (To the turn of ..."The more we play together; how happy we'll be"
8:50AM - Taking mom to Starbuck's for a Dulche de Leche Latte! She's never had one. I thought it would be special for us! She seems to like it okay! I love it!
8:55AM - Walk in back door of house to find dad on the phone with Annaliese's school. She has thrown up.
8:56AM - Back in car driving fast to get my baby. I knew she didn't feel well!
9:15 - Picking Up Annaliese
9:16 - With tears in her eyes she asks, "Why did you make me miss the bus?"
9:17 - Realize dad forgot about the bus. and had to take her to school with Justus.
9:18 - Annaliese still teary eyed says, "Why did you have to leave your phone at home?"
9:19 - Feelings of guilt surround me! Egads!
9:20 - Annaliese says "mom, You aren't handicapped." More feelings of guilt as I look at the handicapped placard I used to help mom in the doctors office and utilized h.c. parking. I also used it at the school to help sick Annaliese in the car. "You're right Annaliese", as I remove the placard.
9:30 - We are safe at home but I still have to go drop off mom's prescriptions, and hit the bank! All this before 10AM!

Points to Justus for getting himself dressed!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Proudest Pa-Pa!

Care giving distractions!

Nothing could have been better for dad than the opportunity to go dancing with his granddaughter, Annaliese. Since Sean was out of town, Pa-Pa got to stand in at the Father Daughter Girl Scout dance. It was held at UCO in the George Nigh Ballroom. This pair is reported to have danced for 2 straight hours. Anyone that knows dad... knows he can cut a rug with the best of them. Annaliese was proud to have such a great dancer for her partner!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Updating Things

Whew! Do I feel bad! I haven't had the chance to post to this blog in weeks/months. I wanted to update with some pictures. I cut mom's hair myself!!! One of the things I've learned is how to cut hair, I suppose. Here is a before picture with Justus. I think this is the longest I ever have seen her hair.

Well, here it is my hair cutting expertise just took off! Let me loose with a pair of scissors and a willing participant and here you go! Just another care giving adventure!