Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Day in the Life of Carol

I think it is important to recap these 3 hours in order to prove to myself how much I am really doing. I somehow feel I must achieve points in order to have been a success for the day. It is now almost 10AM and my score is running really high all ready!!!

6:00AM - Tossing in bed looking at clock knowing I have to have mom at her doctor's appointment by 8AM... wondering if I need to call dad to remind him to get up.
6:15AM - Joined in bed by my son, Justus who says I'm more beautiful than a pumpkin pie!... and sweeter to... These were the first words to start my day.
6:20AM - Joined by Annaliese who wants to cuddle on the other side of me.
6:25AM - Get up from sleeping children to get dressed for the day.
6:27 AM - Half dressed but Justus wants some toast.
6:30 AM - Annaliese complains she doesn't feel well.
6:31AM - I take Annaliese temperature, but no fever.
6:35AM - Call dad to make sure he will be here by 7:30 to stay with Justus and to get Annaliese on the bus
6:40 AM - Breakfast for everyone & give Annaliese a Benadryl.
6:45AM - Finish dressing and pick out Annaliese's clothes for the day. (Sean leaves)
7:00AM - Pack up Annaliese's back-pack and do her hair. Tie her shoes EXTRA TIGHT. She can't get them tight enough.
7:05AM - Get Justus a blanket for the couch to lie on.
7:30AM - Mom & Dad arrive on time!
7:35AM - Throw on make-up and give dad instructions to watch the clock on the stove. At 8:15 he is to take Annaliese to the garage to wait on the bus!
7:40AM - Confirm with Annaliese that Pa-Pa will walk her outside and she is to wait for the bus which will arrive about 8:20.
7:45AM - Get mom to the car and help her in; she almost stumbles over as she gets in the car and won't stop telling dad goodbye.
8AM - Arrive at doctor's appointment realizing I left my phone at home on the coffee table.
8:30AM - Doctor walks in for visit, Mom has lost 8 lbs and is now 147pounds. Her blood pressure is great at 124/80!!! He is pleased. Due to frequent trips to the bathroom he orders a urine specimen.
8:40AM - I am holding a cup for mom so she can pee in it!!!! She doesn't want to pee on me!!!
8:45AM - Loading mom in the car for ride home!
8:46AM - Singing blissfully made up songs about "MY GREAT MOMMY! Mo-mmy my mommie! (To the turn of ..."The more we play together; how happy we'll be"
8:50AM - Taking mom to Starbuck's for a Dulche de Leche Latte! She's never had one. I thought it would be special for us! She seems to like it okay! I love it!
8:55AM - Walk in back door of house to find dad on the phone with Annaliese's school. She has thrown up.
8:56AM - Back in car driving fast to get my baby. I knew she didn't feel well!
9:15 - Picking Up Annaliese
9:16 - With tears in her eyes she asks, "Why did you make me miss the bus?"
9:17 - Realize dad forgot about the bus. and had to take her to school with Justus.
9:18 - Annaliese still teary eyed says, "Why did you have to leave your phone at home?"
9:19 - Feelings of guilt surround me! Egads!
9:20 - Annaliese says "mom, You aren't handicapped." More feelings of guilt as I look at the handicapped placard I used to help mom in the doctors office and utilized h.c. parking. I also used it at the school to help sick Annaliese in the car. "You're right Annaliese", as I remove the placard.
9:30 - We are safe at home but I still have to go drop off mom's prescriptions, and hit the bank! All this before 10AM!

Points to Justus for getting himself dressed!

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