Friday, March 9, 2007

Filling 3 Cups!

I got this information from a care giver's seminar conducted by Bruce McIntyre of Sunbeam Family Services, OKC. He has ministered to the needs of his wife dealing with an autoimmune disease/illness.

3 Cups Caregivers need to consider filling.

First - The relax/re-energize cup. There needs to be something that the caregiver does like weekly trips to Starbucks, or exercise, or a hobby. Something that offers a regular refreshing or break. I time to clear your head. For me this is my new-found exercising hobby and my recent running.

Second - Who are the people you need to let in to fill the cup of caring friends. List 3 people that you need to foster their friendship. Caregivers tend to withdraw from close relationships just when they need them most.

Third - Get the needed outside help for tasks that are overwhelming. In our circumstances it is lawn care and house cleaning. I am taking a step forward with this one and have found a 16-year-old, Andrew, who will be mowing my parent's lawn this summer. Hallelujah!

It really helped to attend the seminar and take a look back at what ways I could begin to fill these cups for both myself and my dad!

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