Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ambulance ride!

Well, Hopefully this is the last bit of "drama" for a while, but I still need prayer!
On this past Thursday, dad couldn't stand up for severe dizziness. He was having chills & sweats. He couldn't make it to the bathroom without literally falling over. After calls to doctors & no responses, I finally resolved to call the ambulance - 911. Sean took mom & the kids and I rode with dad in the ambulance to St. Francis. The best call I ever made. By the time they got here dad was flat on his back vomiting everywhere and pouring sweat like an open fire hydrant!
His fever soared over 103, and he threw up for the entire ambulance ride and several hours afterward. Now after an arduous hospital stay and lots of anxiety for all, we now know he had eccolli (sp?) in his bloodstream that had traveled from his bladder. He was septic and ever so sick.
Somewhere back at Monday's angiogram he picked up some "bad stuff" at the hospital. Go to the hospital to get sick!
There has been lots of schedule-juggling, mom-juggling, kid-juggling... and oh yes! the car broke down too if you can believe that!
At last, he is finally gaining strength and probably going to be released from the hospital tomorrow. I AM asking for cards. His address is Earl Collins, 3115 E. 144th Pl. S., Bixby, OK 74008. He has been very strong and fought very hard to get well. He is very weak and tired... Mostly from throwing up. I know that a note or card would mean a lot to him. It's kind of lonely being sick so far from "home".
Please pray for mom. She is doing just fine, but she is confused at why dad isn't here. She can't seem to remember he went the hospital. She has been to visit 2 times but comes home exhausted. Tomorrow will be a big day getting him home, so pray all my bases remain covered... so to speak.
Love to all,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

We're gonna need this address???

Sorry to all who've checked my blog to find NOTHING over the past several weeks. I've been spinning as usual.

About 3 weeks ago, dad & I went for his initial appointment with his new cardiologist here in Tulsa. To my shock and dismay, Dad's heart was functioning at 30%. Just yesterday, he underwent an angiogram to discover he has NO BLOCKAGE. His heart is damaged. Most likely some type of virus has caused the cardio-myopathy. We are going to try meds to help the problem.

So... there I was with mom doing her parkinson's tremoring as she held my hand and dad thrashing in recovery from anesthesia. YIKES! When it rains sometimes it pours for a little while. Yes, I survived it, but I have to share this story.

Dad is wheeled back in his hospital bed. It's been about 2 hours since the procedure and he is resting. The lovely little round nurse gently explained that mom & I had about 45 minutes to wait until they would get daddy up to walk him around. Mom had been so sweet and smiling since her awakening and dressing at 6AM. It had been one long day in the waiting area. We had colored in coloring books till she told me that was boring. We had held hands. She had smiled widely and wildly and everyone who went by, and we had made a few friends with other families waiting for their loved ones test results. Needless to say we had not wanted to miss our moment with the doctor, so we had stayed glued to the recovery area. It was now almost 2PM. We were hungry!!!!

The sweet nurse with the wide hips and the nonchalant manner had given us the "permission" to go get some food and take a break. I grabbed mom by the hand and said, "Let's go get you some food! I think you need a chocolate shake. Overjoyed mom said, "Oh Yes! Yes I do! That's right! That IS what I need." I began gathering up the purse, the jackets, the planner, the coloring books... Then mom starting saying to the nurse, "Now wait just a minute here. Now wait... Now wait... If we're gonna leave here... If we are gonna leave him here, then we are gonna have to write down this address." The nurse & I just laughed & laughed. We better get that address written down, so we won't lose dad. How cute!

Well, I'm putting dad in Depends now. He has been having trouble holding his bladder. His first "usage" was a fiasco. He put them on wrong and was wearing the leg as the waist. So, now I am using a sharpie to mark the "back tags" in his new special undies.

FUN! FUN! abounds!!!