Monday, February 5, 2007

Blubble, Blah, Blah, Blubba

I was talking with my friend about holding my mom. I did it again today. I just held her there and patted her. Something made me turn to her and flip my tongue across my lips as a child would do saying, "blubba, blubba, blubba, blubbabaaba". To my surprise she did it right back to me. I cracked up and did it again. She did too. We kept doing it for a good 10 minutes. We both laughed.

I can remember silly times as a child of her holding me and doing the same silly game. It was so good to see her smile. My daughter overheard the exchange and began giggling hysterically. She came and joined in with our fun. It was a point of contact for all of us. Those don't happen that often anymore. I was so glad I happened onto something crazy that made for a "moment" for forever!

As for my doctor's visit. It went well. All my blood levels are normal. In fact, my triglycerides are EXCELLENT. I am working through the sleep "spells" with some medicine.

1 comment:

Denise said...

hey Carol its Kayleigh and I was jsut wanting to say i liked your blog! I might be getting one soon! so I'll let you know when! Well I was just thinking of you hope to see you soon!